25 Diy Yard Art Ideas

I love spending time in my yard and I love to add a few new DIY yard art ideas each year to go with my garden.
Sometimes I am not always willing to put it out there for everyone to see. That is why I love these 25 DIY garden crafts.
Not only do they add a nice touch to your garden, but they give you a little crafty project to do as well.
I will say that I love the idea of a garden gnome and I think that they are cute. I just don’t know if I could put one in my yard.
I have the same feelings about the painted rocks. I think that they are so cute, but I don’t know if I could put them in my yard.
I love the idea of the painted rocks and I think that they are so cute. I just don’t know if I could put them in my yard.
So, when I was looking through all of these yard art ideas, the birdhouse really caught my eye. I love the idea of making a birdhouse and putting it in the yard.
I love the idea of making it your own and putting your own style on it. These are my favorite yard art ideas and I am going to make a birdhouse this year.
1. Make a Dragonfly Sculpture out of Chicken Wire

The dragonfly is a classic motif in yard art, and you can make a large dragonfly sculpture for your yard using chicken wire.

This project is a bit more involved and requires some patience and a few more materials than some of the other ideas on this list, but the result is stunning and well worth the effort.
This project is from Sarah of Sadie Seasongoods.
2. Create a Spilled Flower Pot

I love the whimsy of this project. It looks like you’ve accidentally tipped over a flower pot, but the flowers are pouring out of it.

You can use a variety of flowers and colors to match your garden. I also love how they’ve added in a few faux succulents to give it a little more texture.
3. Make a Terra Cotta Lighthouse

If you have some terra cotta pots and a little bit of time, you can make a beautiful terra cotta lighthouse.
This is a fantastic idea to add to your yard or garden, and it’s not difficult at all to make.

You can use battery-powered lights to light up the top of the lighthouse, or you can use solar lights.
These are a great way to light up your yard without using electricity, and they can be used in so many different ways.
Get the instructions for this terra cotta lighthouse and make one for your yard.
4. Make a Butterfly Sun Catcher

You can make this beautiful butterfly sun catcher with just a few supplies. This is a fun project for kids and adults alike.
You will need a butterfly template, black cardstock, a glue gun, and a variety of glass gems. I used a light pink, dark pink, and clear gems to make my butterfly.

Once your butterfly is complete, you can hang it with a piece of fishing line. I hung my butterfly from the top of a wooden trellis.
5. Create a Garden Mosaic

Mosaics are a fun way to add color and personality to your garden. You can use glass, tile, or even broken dishes to create an image or pattern.

This mosaic of a tree is a great example of how to use different colors and shapes to create a beautiful image in your garden.
It can be as simple or as complex as you like, depending on your skill level and how much time you want to put into it.
6. Make a Wire Spool Table

We love wire spool tables for outdoor living spaces, and it’s easy to see why.
They’re big enough to hold everything you need, and they’re also big enough to make a statement.
If you have a large outdoor space, you can use a wire spool table to create a focal point.

Then, use your table to hold a collection of decor items like potted plants, a lantern, and a stack of books.
To make your own wire spool table, start by sanding the top and the edges. Then, you can paint or stain the top and the edges to match your decor.
Once the top is finished, you can add your base. Add a base that will elevate your wire spool table to your desired height.
You can use a base made from wood or metal, or you can create a base using cinder blocks.
7. Make a Garden Bumble Bee

This garden bumble bee is a fun project to make using a few pieces of wood, some paint, and a little bit of creativity.
The body of the bee is made from a 2×4 and the wings are made from 1×4 boards.
This project is a perfect way to use up wood scraps from other projects.

I love that you can paint your bee any color you want.
I chose to paint mine yellow to look like a bumble bee, but you could paint it any color you want to match your garden.
I have a few more ideas for painting your bee in the full tutorial.
8. Make a Garden Rock Caterpillar

It’s a great way to use up any leftover rocks you have from other projects. This garden rock caterpillar is a fun way to add some color to your garden.

It’s also a great project for kids and adults. You can make your caterpillar as long as you want and use any colors you like.
9. Make a Terra Cotta Pot People Family

This adorable family of terra cotta pot people is so easy to make and you can use them to decorate any outdoor area.
You can even use different sized pots to create a family of different heights.
The pots are painted and then sealed with a protective coating to keep them looking great. Then, you just add on the faces and some hair.
You can even add a few plants to the pots to give them some hair, too.
10. Make a Garden Hose Wreath

The summer season is the perfect time to switch up your front door wreath, but what about your garden shed or gate?
This DIY garden hose wreath is super easy to make and will last for years. You can use a new hose or upcycle an old one from your garden.
I hope you find a few ideas that you can use and that you enjoy adding some color and interest to your yard.
It’s always fun to do a little bit of yard art in the spring.
What’s your favorite idea on the list? I’d love to hear from you. Reach out to me on social media and let me know.
What other yard art ideas do you have?
As always, thank you for reading, and have a great day.